You made it through another Chicago winter! Spring break is just around the corner and you’re ready to head south to get reacquainted with the sun.
Whether you’re hitting the road to get away from the cold, or just to escape your daily routine, a road trip offers plenty of opportunity for adventure, but adventure also comes with hazards you might not have to worry about when you’re closer to home.
So before you load up the car with everything you’ll need for your road trip, let’s talk about the type of car insurance coverage you’ll need before you head out.
Does Your Insurance Include Roadside Assistance?
It’s one thing if your car breaks down a few blocks from home, but what if you’re hundreds of miles from home in another state and your car breaks down? You have no idea where you are, and there’s no one nearby you can call for help.
If you’re unlucky, you might even be stranded in the middle of nowhere without anyone or anything for miles in any direction.
If you have roadside assistance, you can call someone to come give your engine a jump start, bring a replacement tire or fuel, or tow your car to a garage where it can be repaired.
Most roadside assistance is offered through auto insurance (like ours), although some credit cards and membership organizations also offer roadside assistance.
So, before you drive away from home for an extended road trip, check your coverage to make sure you have roadside assistance.
Does Your Insurance Cover Out-of-State Accidents?
Getting into a car accident is bad enough, especially when you’re far from home. The last thing you need in that situation is to realize your insurance won’t cover the cost of repairs because your policy doesn’t cover out-of-state accidents.
Before you leave, check to make sure you’re covered in the event of a collision in another state. It might cost more, but most auto insurance providers will let you add coverage for out-of-state accidents temporarily so you’re covered while you’re on the road, but you don’t have to worry about paying for it when you’re not using it.
And, as with all insurance, it’s worth it to pay a little more up front to make sure you’re covered than to hope for the best and get stuck with a much larger bill later if things go south.
What Do I Do if My Rental Car Gets Damaged?
If you’re renting a car to take on your trip, it’s best to make sure you have rental insurance.
While rental companies do insure their vehicles, they do check the status of each vehicle before handing it over and after getting it back so they can check for damage.
You are responsible for any damage done to the rental car while it was in your possession. It’s always a good idea to have rental insurance to cover the costs of those damages so you don’t have to pay out of pocket if an accident happens.
Driving Tips for Safe Road Trips
All the standard tips for driving safely apply on road trips, including:
- Put away your phone and anything else that could cause distractions
- Keep both hands on the wheel and both eyes on the road at all times
- Don’t drive after drinking or taking any mind-altering drugs
- Drive the speed limit
- Don’t tailgate the car in front of you: use the 3-second rule to make sure you have plenty of time to stop if they suddenly put on the brakes
- Look both ways before crossing an intersection or over railroad tracks
- Check your blind spot before changing lanes
Some additional safety tips that apply specifically to road trips include:
- Stay in the center lane when driving on 3-lane highways for an extended period of time. This allows you to drive at a consistent speed, avoid going around slow cars or having fast cars go around you, and avoids the concrete barriers on either side of the highway
- Take frequent breaks. It can be tempting to try to get to your destination as quickly as possible, but that’s a recipe for exhaustion and exhausted drivers are not safe drivers. In fact, drowsy driving bears some similarities to drunk driving, and can be just as dangerous. So stay safe, get plenty of sleep, and pull over every couple of hours to stretch and move around. Doing so will increase your circulation, which will help you stay awake, alert, and safe behind the wheel.
Why Accurate Auto Insurance?
We specialize in budget-friendly coverage for road-trippers, high-risk drivers, and those needing SR-22 policies—without the high costs.
Get covered before your trip! Run a free quote today and travel with peace of mind.